Top Ten facts about Malana cream which you might not know
Malana the name is enough!
Malana grows some of the finest weed in India, and probably in the world.India is no stranger to Cannabis use, the Various region in India have a wide variety of mind-altering substances to offer.
Malana is known for their superior quality hash, Malana Cream.This form of hash is considered the purest. The finest internationally known Indian ‘brands’ of cannabis are the malana cream and Kerala gold.
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Kerala gold is difficult to get your hands on even in Kerala due to strict government policies against cannabism. However, Malana is sort of cut off from the outer world and is an isolated place where just the natives reside. And hence getting a hand on the real thing is easier.
So today we talk about ten interesting facts about malana cream.
1.Malana cream has won best hashish title twice in 1994 and 1996 at High times magazines Cannabis cup.This prove that how high the quality of this hash throughout the world
2. It is very oily or high in oil content which made it more famous throughout the world.
3. Tetrahydrocannabinol mainly known as THC which decide the quality of weed, has very high value in malana cream.Probably 30℅ to 40℅ of THC is claimed by many whereas, in many other parts of India this value goes from probably 5℅ to 6℅.
4. Due to High content of THC ,the physcoactive effect of this hash is very strong that’s why it is famous throughout the world.
5.The climate of malana is quite favorable for the production of high THC content marijuana , which make this hash best, not in india but through out the globe.
6. How easily it is formed?Cream is the oil you extract out of flowering buds of the plant. The bud is rub between the palms of the harvester’s hands. In this way malana Cream is formed.
7. The heirloom varieties grown in Malana are naturally high resin producers, making hash extractions from the plant all the more potent.
8. Some one has called about it “The only hidden God and heavenly miracle is someway in malana the pure and dustless cream.”So, you can estimate about its popularity.
9. Malana Cream, the best in the world. Even most of the coffee shops in Amsterdam sell you Malana cream. It’s just too clean and fresh and takes you to a different level.
10.Malana cream is Considered as gift of Parvati valley hidden in different layers.A gift of Parvati valley is also considered as catalyst in integration with lord Shiva.
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We hope these facts about Malana cream were sufficient in making you realize the popularity and fame this product has brought to the state of Himachal Pradesh. does not support usage of Malana Cream as a narcotic drug but is surely of the view that the usage of this high THC relaxant should be increased given the high medicinal properties it possesses.Some countries have decriminalized the usage of the drug with some conditions such as Argentina , Uruguay and columbia .Feel free to express your worthy views in the comment box below.
Image Sources: Pinterest, youtube and
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if u take for medicine than its nectar….
but if u take as enjoyment
than worst